The REPS Tunisia Occupational Standards for the health and fitness industry are based on international fitness industry standards, which have been developed for each area of exercise and fitness instruction covered by the registry. These professional standards outline the skills, knowledge, and competence required to work as a fitness instructor. Joining REPS Tunisia serves as an assurance that instructors are qualified and competent according to these standards.
Instructors affiliated with REPS Tunisia have demonstrated their ability to work in accordance with these standards, typically by obtaining an accredited qualification that covers all aspects outlined in these standards. The standards utilized by REPS Tunisia adhere to the "ICREPs Global Standards" established by the International Confederation for Registers of Exercise Professionals, the global organization for exercise professionals' registries.
These standards can be utilized by educational providers to develop courses, employers to organize staff structures, and instructors themselves to assess their skills and competencies while planning their professional careers.
The following is a list of ICREPs/REPS Tunisia Fitness Standards.
- A. Provide assistance to fitness clients in the gym
- A. Conduct health screening and assess client exercise preferences, barriers and goals
- B. Apply principles of anatomy and physiology in a fitness context
- C. Provide motivation and support as part of exercise instruction
- D. Promote healthy eating and physical activity
- E. Promote health and safety in the fitness environment
- F. Provide customer service in health and fitness
- G. Develop professional practice and personal career in the health and fitness industry
- H. Plan and instruct exercise in the gym
- A. Conduct health screening and assess client exercise preferences, barriers and goals
- B. Apply principles of anatomy and physiology in a fitness context
- C. Provide motivation and support as part of exercise instruction
- D. Promote healthy eating and physical activity
- E. Promote health and safety in the fitness environment
- F. Provide customer service in health and fitness
- G. Develop professional practice and personal career in the health and fitness industry
- H. Plan and instruct exercise in the gym
- I. Plan and instruct group exercise to music (choreographed)
- J. Instruct group exercise
- K. Plan and instruct water-based ļ¬tness
- A. Carry out client fitness assessments
- B. Plan and deliver personal training sessions
- C. Design personal training programs
- D. Manage, review, adapt and evaluate personal training programs
- E. Apply the principles of nutrition and weight management to exercise program design
- F. Apply the principles of exercise science to program design
- G. Support long-term behavior change by monitoring client exercise adherence and applying motivational techniques
- H. Undertake small business planning
- A. Developing nutritional strategy
- B. Apply the principles of nutrition and weight management to exercise program design
- C. Promote healthy eating and physical activity
- D. Skills of Complementarity between training and nutrition
- A. Perform needs analysis of the performance activity
- B. Deliver, review and revise a strength and conditioning program
- C. Design and agree on strength and conditioning program
- D. Essential Duties and Responsibilities
- A. Apply the principles of preventing sports injuries
- B. Apply the principles of exercise science to program design
- C. Develop the physical capability to achieve excellence in sport
- D. Develop the psychological skills to achieve excellence in sport
- E. Work in a healthy and safe way whilst seeking to achieve excellence in the sport
- A. Prepare and maintain work area
- B. Conduct the basic Yoga sessions
- C. Maintain health and safety at the workplace
- D. Create a positive impression at the workplace
- A. Plan and instruct Pilates Instructor